Explore Sibling Relationships with PAPA

Explore Sibling Relationships with PAPA


When we think about psychological thrillers, the names of Nancy Drews and Agatha Christie novels automatically pop in the head of dedicated thriller fans. Well, unlike all other genres, thrillers keep the reader hooked till the very end.

While you may feel someone staring from abyss while reading horror and butterflies fluttering in your stomach while reading romance; thriller is one genre that implores you to turn the page until you reach the end.


Now imagine the cacophony of a perfect thriller with the backdrop of an Indian family peppered with emotions, a tinge of romance, sacrifice, two untimely deaths and unique sibling dynamics.

Authored by Banker-writer Jiganshu Sharma, PAPA is a perfect combination of everything that the Indian audience actually looks for. Her last novel ‘Friends forever ya whatever’ was very millennial and grabbed the eyeballs of all the young readers. Taking a leap of faith, this time Jiganshu Sharma has delved into a completely different genre and an equally exciting one with perfect plot, drama and intricacies.

What’s truly unique in Jiganshu Sharma PAPA book is the dynamics between the siblings. There are basically four siblings in the book, out of which the premise of the book somewhat revolves around the murder of one sibling: IshitaMehra.

Will the murder mystery of the sister in the family be solved? How come a family gets affected by this murder? Will they come out triumphant from these obnoxious circumstances? For all this, you have to read the book.

What’s truly intriguing in the entire premise is the character of RiteshMehra who fights all odds to keep his family intact when they are going through such testing times. The Character of PawanMehra also has a streak of heroism as he leaves his MBA immediately to come and help the family in times of crisis.

Writer Jiganshu Sharma, in her several interviews, has often confessed to being a major bookworm and an avid reader which automatically reflects in her writing style. Also, she often says that she always aspired to be a super-cop or a super-hero as a child.

Well, it looks like the novel has both the super-cop and the super-hero elements as the murder mystery involves a poignant cop who investigates the murder case to its core and the super-hero of the plot is perhaps the family bond and sibling dynamics written with such precision.

Author: admin

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