How to Download KVPY Admit Card

KVPY Admit Card


Every year, IISc, Bangalore conducts the KVPY (Kishore Vaigyanik Protsaha Yojana) exam to encourage students to take up research careers in Basic Sciences. In 2021, the exam will be conducted in the month of November. This is an online examination. Successful candidates will receive scholarships till pre-PhD level. IISc Bangalore releases the admit cards for the KVPY exam on the official website: Students should have a printout of their admit card while entering the exam centre.

Students can easily download the admit card from the website of the exam conducting authority. Candidates will not be permitted to the examination hall without a valid photo identity card and KVPY admit card. Students are required to keep the admit card safe for future use. Those who clear the exam need to produce the admit card during the counselling session. Selected students should safely retain the admit card till they receive the scholarship.

Steps to Download KVPY Admit Card

Following are the steps to download the KVPY admit card:

  • Open the website:
  • Click on the link ‘KVPY admit card 2021’.
  • Login using user ID and password.
  • On the new page, click on the admit card tab.
  • Click on the admit card button and download it.
  • The admit card will be downloaded in PDF format. Take printouts for future reference.

After downloading the admit card, students should check whether all the details in the admit card are correct. If any mistakes are found, they should immediately inform the exam conducting authority. Students can contact the exam conducting authority via email or phone number provided on the official website. As per the notification from IISc, students should carry a school/college ID and Aadhar card/passport along with the admit card.

The admit card includes the details such as exam city, KVPY stream, application number, roll number, name of the applicant, date of birth, signature, photo of the candidate, exam centre, exam date, examination time, venue of aptitude test, reporting time and instructions to candidates to reach the venue of aptitude test.

Exam Day Instructions

The exam conducting authority publishes the exam day instructions on the official website. These are also present on the admit card. Candidates are requested to check the exam day instructions. It is advised to go through all the instructions carefully to avoid any future inconvenience. Students should reach the exam centre at least one hour before the start of the exam. Students are advised to check the seat and room arrangement displayed on the centre premises carefully. Calculators, mobile phones or other electronic devices are not permitted inside the exam hall.

The competition for KVPY is tough since a large number of students apply for this exam. Students are recommended to learn the subjects thoroughly so that they can score higher marks in the exam. Plenty of mock tests and previous year question papers are available online. Students can make use of these mock tests and improve their confidence, speed and accuracy. The KVPY 2021 will be conducted on 7th November, 2021.

Practising previous years’ question papers will help students to get an idea of the difficulty levels and exam pattern. This will also help them to face the exam in a stress-free manner. Students can visit BYJU’S to check solved KVPY question papers.

Author: admin

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