For decades, newspapers have served as mediums for advertising products and services. But now, the classified ads have become routed through the web. People know internet as a powerful medium for connecting to the masses. It acts as the perfect medium to market products and services. Free classified ads are chosen over newspaper ads. There are online free and paid classified advertisement sites for cross category platform for classifieds.
Reaching out to greater number of people
Anything you post online will be visible to thousands. By using apt set of keywords, you may get a database of prospects. When you post the ad in a newspaper, it is visible to only a limited number of people. Your potential sales become limitless since the internet platform is huge. Sell your product online and make it open for the global customers. Around 6 million people use internet and they may be looking for your product only.
No time barrier or constraint
Posting ads in newspaper is time bound as it stays only for 2-3 days. When the person pays extra money, only then the ad remains for at least a week. But when the listing is made by the advert on the site, the ad gets registered in the database of the company’s website.
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Certain companies even permit you to refresh the posting whereby the ad will remain at the top or at least in the front page. The posting may even stay for 3-6 months.
The free availability of ad posting facility
There are free online classifieds ad sites online that permits you to sell off the products and services without any need to spend on advertisement costs. Now you need not pay for posting an ad in newspaper since ad sites allow you to post for free.
Drives traffic to your website in the least time
If you have website for business, you can add the web address to the classified ad to encourage the customers view your website and the products. In the classified ad site, you can put your link of the site to boost the traffic. This kind of ad posting also saves a lot of time.
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There is no need to speak to anyone to post the ad and offer the contact details. Then, most of the online classifieds ad sites are user-friendly and easy to navigate. They are laid clearly and concisely. So, use the platform to advertise in a hassle-free manner.