The thought of leaving your dog at home during the day can be stressful if you’re worried about them getting bored, lonely, or anxious. If you’ve ever experienced separation anxiety as an adult, you know that it doesn’t feel good! In this article, we’ll discuss how to ease your dog’s separation anxiety and make the adjustment easier on both of you. While this topic can seem quite serious, it doesn’t mean that you can’t have fun with it! We hope you enjoy!
Things You Should Know About Dogs, Cats and Separation Anxiety
When pet owners leave their pets home alone, some become so distraught that they destroy their surroundings or hurt themselves. In extreme cases, pets might even starve themselves. This is called separation anxiety and it isn’t uncommon. Dogs and cats experience stress over a range of situations, from thunderstorms and fireworks to visits from relatives or new babies in the house. But experts say one of biggest causes for panic in both dogs and cats is when their owner leaves them home alone.
What Are the Symptoms of Separation Anxiety in Dogs?
Separation anxiety can be a difficult experience for both humans and dogs. Symptoms of separation anxiety include excessive salivating, destructive behavior, pacing or chewing, howling or barking and depression. If these symptoms present themselves in your pet when you’re about to leave for work or any other time that you need to separate from them for an extended period of time, then it’s possible that they have some level of separation anxiety.
How Can I Reduce My Dog’s Separation Anxiety While I Go Back to Work?
Dogs get super attached to their owners. Even worse, dogs are also notorious for what we call velcro behavior. If they like someone, they want that person around all of the time. This means a lot of us have to figure out how to deal with our pets while we’re at work, and how best to reduce their separation anxiety when we leave them alone. Here are some tips on how you can help
How Do I Get My Dog Used To Me Leaving Every Day Without Him Developing Separation Anxiety in the Long Term?
If your dog has developed a separation anxiety disorder, try leaving him for short periods of time each day. This works best if he doesn’t know when you are going to leave or come home. Dogs that have been left alone at home will begin to salivate and exhibit other signs of distress when their owners leave. For a dog with separation anxiety, it is more important that they be left without knowing when their owner will return than it is for them not to be left at all.
How Does Crate Training Help With Dog Separation Anxiety?
The key here is consistency and preparation. Start by putting your pet’s crate in an area of your home where they spend a lot of time, such as next to where you eat or relax. Make sure that it’s a comfortable place for them with toys and chewies, but don’t give them anything right before bedtime. Feed your pet at regular times each day and never feed them treats while they are crated.
Does Punishing My Dog When He Has An Accident Help with His Separation Anxiety When I Leave Him Alone at Home?
If your dog is left alone during daytime hours while you’re at work, chances are he’s going to have a little accident. Dogs who are left alone have a tendency of voiding in their bed or crate, and sometimes even over-eating or overeating out of stress. If you punish your pup when he has an accident while alone, it will only make matters worse.
Do Lots of Exercise, Playtime and Affection Help with My Dog’s Separation Anxiety when I Leave Him Alone at Home While I Go Back to Work?
At first glance, it might seem that exercise and playtime is a great way to stimulate dogs in order to get them used to being alone. After all, if they’re tired from lots of activity, surely they’ll be less likely to feel anxious when left home alone! The truth is that while exercise and playtime is an excellent idea for many dogs with separation anxiety problems, it’s not necessarily effective on its own.
For more pet care tips, and to learn more about getting an emotional support animal letter, please visit ESADoggy for the most up to date information on emotional support animals.