Businesses today compete with one another online to attract more traffic to their website.When it comes to the Internet users, most of them search for products and service and choose any one of the first five websites that figureon the search list. Hence, to take advantage of this scenario and to gain more visitors, a website has to be safe and secured and list on the leading page of the search engine.
For a website to be trusted, it should be safe to access. With an SSL certificate, you can enhance the security of your website. Furthermore, the SSL certification is likely to increase the usability and user-experience of a website.
A user can trust a site if he/she can see an ‘s’ in ‘https’ on the URL bar. The letter ‘s’ signifies ‘secure’, which means that the particular website has an SSL certificate and is secure.With the ‘https’ website, you can improve the rankings, which helps promote your business as well. It can also place your business ahead in the competition.
For instance, when two brands sell the same product, the brand with the URL address starting with ‘https’ is likely to have more customers especially in urban areas when compared to the other brand with a website address starting with ‘http’. This certification, in general, has a set of rules, which are followed by the website owners to optimize certain things and improve their ranking on the search engines.
What is an SSL certificate?
An SSL certificate ensures secure connections between the web browsers and web servers. By having a digital certificate, it authenticates the identity of a website and guarantees that only encrypted or protected data is sent on the website using the SSL technology. To reduce the risk of fraud or theft and to provide complete protection to the customer data like the username, card numbers, emails, and other sensitive data, anSSL certificate is essential.
With an SSL encryption, you can ensure that your website is reliable and secure. There are many reasons why a business website should have an SSL certificate. Some of the key ones are:
Protects the data from malicious activities
Prospective customers or visitors accessing an SSL-certified website can use it without any fear as the certification guaranties 100 percentage secured dealings. An SSL certificate protects the sensitive data transmitted between a user and server. By installing256-bit encryption strength, you can safeguard any data from being accessed by malicious intruder. This encryption is strong enough to make it impossible for any intruder to comprehend even when the data is intercepted or breached. The customers can do e-commerce business securely through a certified website.
Avoids phishing attacks through strong validation process
To install an SSL certificate, you have to undergo a validation process conducted by the Certificate Authority. This authenticates your business’identity and asserts your integrity through trust indicators. Furthermore,a valid SSL certificate guarantees the authenticity of the website and avoids any phishing attacks.
Apart from the above-mentioned benefits,SSL certification helps improve your search engine ranking, helps secure payments, and many more. However, SSL certification is mandatory if you receive regular payments from your customers.